EMCLA Amphibian Monitoring using Wildlife Acoustics SM2 Detector
Published: Dec 31, 2013
Description: Acoustic amphibian monitoring by the EMCLA (Ecological Monitoring Committee for the Lower Athabasca) in the Lower Athabasca Region in 2012 detected 5 amphibian species, including a possible detection of a Northern Leopard Frog. Preliminary habitat models for the five species showed some habitat preferences among the frog species. The automated recording units were as good as or better at detecting amphibians when compared to human observers.
Document Type:
Projects and Units - Rare Animals,
Projects and Units - EMCLA
Subject Area:
Oil Sands Region,
Rare Species
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. 2013.
EMCLA Amphibian Monitoring using Wildlife Acoustics SM2 Detector.
Available at: https://abmi.ca/publication/74.html
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Document Type:
Projects and Units - Rare Animals,
Projects and Units - EMCLA
Subject Area:
Oil Sands Region,
Rare Species
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. 2013.
EMCLA Amphibian Monitoring using Wildlife Acoustics SM2 Detector.
Available at: https://abmi.ca/publication/74.html