Governance, Board, and Members


The ABMI is a not-for-profit, non-regulatory, arm’s-length organization.

We use a federated and distributed service model, delivered jointly by the University of Alberta, InnoTech Alberta, and the University of Calgary. As a non-profit, legal entity registered under the Alberta Societies Act, the ABMI has a distinct and independent corporate identity with a transparent governance structure. The ABMI is member based, and those members appoint Board Directors to provide strategic leadership and oversight of our operations. The Board recruits an executive director, and our corporate auditor also reports directly to the Board.


Learn more about our governance and organization.


The ABMI includes a diverse community of organizations investing in the future of scientific knowledge.


Board of Directors

The ABMI's Board of Directors is a broad cross-section of industry and government representatives that have an interest in and care about biodiversity management. 

A foundation of collaboration and innovation.

The ABMI's Strategic Direction

The ABMI's strategic direction includes five areas of operation:
Monitoring, science innovation, working collaboratively,
knowledge translation and engagement, and operational excellence.

Our Strategic Direction