Mission, Vision, and Principles
Since its inception, our program has been guided by a strong vision of the ABMI’s role in Alberta’s society. This vision is embodied in a mission that drives our current operations; furthermore, all ABMI activities are guided by a series of operating principles.

The ABMI advances biodiversity monitoring to inform responsible resource management and land stewardship, now and for future generations.

We track changes in wildlife and their habitats across Alberta, working collaboratively to provide ongoing, relevant, and scientifically credible information about our living resources.

We pride ourselves on being:
Independent: We operate at arm’s length from government and industry; our information is objective and presented without bias.
Scientifically Credible: Our approaches are objective, documented, tested, and validated through peer review.
Relevant and Accessible: We develop information products to meet stakeholder and rights holder needs; information is publicly available and easily understood.
Transparent: Our governance and operations are open to scrutiny, to promote engagement and accountability.
Collaborative: We seek to develop and implement provincial monitoring in cooperation and collaboration.
Leadership: We seek to motivate and enable others (organizations and individuals) to amplify responsible resource management in Alberta.
Accuracy: Our work is done with care and precision.
Ingenuity: Our new ideas fuel better products, services, and processes.
Passion: We care deeply about our work and the impact it has on Alberta.
Personal Initiative: We value initiative and each individual’s contribution to the shared success of the organization.
Teamwork: We listen to, respect, and work cooperatively with each other.
Personal Development: Learning, feedback, coaching, and mentoring are core to our team.