Habitat selection at different scales for a declining aerial insectivorous bird as determined by autonomous recording technology
Published: Apr 30, 2017
Description: This report demonstrates how bioacoustic technology can be used to fill data gaps for rare and/or nocturnal species using the Common Nighthawk as a case study. For Common Nighthawks, this study highlights the importance of landscape scale variables for both home range and territory selection. Results produced from this study provide wildlife managers with more knowledge on the Common Nighthawk, and emphasize the importance of landscape scale conservation for highly-mobile species with large home ranges.
Document Type:
Standards and Protocols - Applied Research,
Projects and Units - Bioacoustic Unit
Subject Area:
Rare Species,
Oil Sands Region
autonomous recording units,
Common Nighthawk,
home range,
territory selection,
conservation planning
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. 2017.
Habitat selection at different scales for a declining aerial insectivorous bird as determined by autonomous recording technology.
Available at: https://abmi.ca/publication/478.html
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Document Type:
Standards and Protocols - Applied Research,
Projects and Units - Bioacoustic Unit
Subject Area:
Rare Species,
Oil Sands Region
autonomous recording units,
Common Nighthawk,
home range,
territory selection,
conservation planning
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. 2017.
Habitat selection at different scales for a declining aerial insectivorous bird as determined by autonomous recording technology.
Available at: https://abmi.ca/publication/478.html