Harvest Area Spectral Regeneration
The ABMI Harvest Area Spectral Regeneration products are polygon datasets comprising the ABMI’s Human Footprint Inventory (HFI) harvest area polygons from recent HFI products (2019 onward), which have been attributed with additional information on regeneration as detected through satellite-based spectral signals, where suitable. This data set continues to complement and enhance current information on human footprint across Alberta by providing a broad-scale perspective on regeneration patterns on harvest areas.
As a complement to the ABMI’s Human Footprint Inventory (HFI), the Harvest Area Spectral Regeneration datasets comprise the remote sensing-based characterization of vegetation regrowth in relevant harvest area polygons contained within the inventory. The HFI currently treats temporary successional footprints and other, more permanent footprints equally. The intent of this dataset is to enhance current information on some of Alberta’s temporary successional human footprints by providing estimates of post-harvest regeneration as seen through changes in spectral signals detected from the Earth’s land surface. The broad-scale perspective of this dataset offers regional and provincial insights into patterns of regeneration after forest harvest in Alberta.
Harvest Area Spectral Regeneration datasets have been generated for the 2019, 2020, and 2021 HFI products, and are each available below. We strongly recommend caution when considering combining together information from different year versions of Harvest Area Spectral Regeneration. We suggest users rely on the most recent version available. Please see the accompanying metadata and technical documentation for more details.
You can explore the 2019 Harvest Area Spectral Regeneration before downloading, using this online visualization tool HERE. An updated tool for browsing the latest datasets is anticipated for release later in 2024.
Year 2021
Year 2020
Year 2019
FTP Server: ftp.public.abmi.ca
Username: anonymous (no password required)
path: /GISData/HarvestAreaSpectralRegeneration
Data Download
- Overview
- Species & Habitat Raw Data
- Human Footprint Products
- Wall-to-Wall Human Footprint Inventory
- 3 x 7-km Sample-based Human Footprint Data
- Harvest Area Spectral Regeneration
- Lidar Products
- ABMI GitHub
- Advanced Landcover Prediction & Habitat Assessment (ALPHA) Products
- Other Geospatial Land Surface Data
- GIS Data: Biodiversity
- Species-level Data Sets
- Remote Camera Mammal Data
- Rare Species Data
- Data Archive