Board of Directors

Our Intrepid Board of Directors

The ABMI Board of Directors is a broad cross-section of industry and government representatives that have an interest in and care about biodiversity management. The Board plays an oversight role and provides direction to the operations of ABMI. Board directors have a fiduciary responsibility to represent the objects of the Institute as a not-for-profit incorporated entity.

The Board has at least seven and as many as fourteen directors who represent the Government of Alberta, environmental non-governmental organizations, the forest, energy and agriculture sectors, and the research community. Board members serve staggered three-year terms with the possibility of renewal.

John Kolk

Farmer, Southern Alberta

Tom Davis

Assistant Deputy Minister, Resource Stewardship Division, Ministry of Alberta Environment & Parks

Dave Pryce

Former Vice President, Western Canada Operations, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (Retired)

Dr. Eleni Stroulia

Acting Vice Dean, Faculty of Science Professor, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta

Cindy Fox

CPA, CGA, Associate Vice President, Finance and Corporate Controller
Alberta Innovates

Richard Briand

Chief Forester, West Fraser Mills Ltd., Alberta

Krista Phillips

Director, Environment, Oil Sands Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)

Norm Ward

Past President, Western Stock Growers’ Association

Kecia Kerr

Executive Director, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society

Remi L’Heureux

Business Unit Leader, Integrated Land & Fibre Logistics Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc.

Shira Mulloy

Sr. Director of Conservation, Alberta / Nature Conservancy of Canada