Understanding and Responding to the Effects of Climate Change on Alberta's Biodiversity

Published: Jun 16, 2015
Description: This final synthesis report from the ABMI's Biodiversity Management and Climate Change Adaptation project provides a comprehensive overview of the project, including highlights of research outcomes and key conclusions.
Document Type: Projects and Units - Climate Change Adaptation
Subject Area: Climate Change, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Citation: Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. 2015. Understanding and Responding to the Effects of Climate Change on Alberta's Biodiversity. Available at: https://abmi.ca/publication/392.html

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Document Type: Projects and Units - Climate Change Adaptation
Subject Area: Climate Change, Terrestrial Ecosystems
Citation: Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. 2015. Understanding and Responding to the Effects of Climate Change on Alberta's Biodiversity. Available at: https://abmi.ca/publication/392.html

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