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Webinar: Effectiveness of population-based recovery actions for threatened southern mountain caribou


DATE:May 16, 2024
TIME:12:00 PM (MST) - 1:00 PM

Join lead author, Dr. Clayton Lamb, Wildlife Scientist with Biodiversity Pathways.

Recovery actions have steered southern mountain caribou away from extinction, but we still have a long way to go. Researchers pooled data from over fifty years to follow the fate of 40 caribou herds—the southern mountain caribou population—to assess their trajectory and response to recovery actions. They found dramatic declines but recent recovery due to controversial measures. When predation pressure was reduced, rapid population growth was observed, even under contemporary climate change and high levels of habitat loss. Habitat protection and restoration are essential for long-term caribou recovery, but restoration will take decades to produce the mature forests and low predator densities caribou need. If we wish to maintain caribou populations on the landscape in the meantime, evidence-based, short-term recovery actions such as those studied in this paper would need to be considered.

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