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ABMI & Alberta Science Network Partner for Wetland Presentations in Edmonton Schools


The Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI) has recently partnered with Alberta Science Network (ASN) to provide engaging, hands-on (grade 5) Wetland Ecosystems presentation to Edmonton schools.

ABMI monitors the condition and changes to Alberta's biodiversity and human land use across the province. Part of this effort includes visiting over 1600 wetlands across Alberta! Their visit to the classroom turns students into wetland Field Technicians, just like the real ABMI technicians and scientists! Together, they will learn about different wetland classifications and common species found in each type, including birds, mammals, plants, mosses, lichens and insects. Students will work in teams and get to handle real specimens like antlers and fur, and even jars of insects and feces! 

Register early because presentations are limited! (Note - this presentation is only available to Capital Region schools at this time.)

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